Getting the sources

The OpenFLUID source code is available on our GitHub organization. You may clone the repositories to work with the source code. More information are available on the Working with source code page.

Building on linux


Install the required libraries and tools using the following command:

Ubuntu 16.04 and higher, Debian 8 and higher

sudo apt-get install build-essential lsb-release g++ gfortran git cmake \
                     texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra latex2html doxygen \
                     libboost-all-dev libgdal-dev libgeos++-dev \
                     qt5-default qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev-tools libqt5svg5-dev \
                     p7zip-full gnuplot graphviz python2.7


Since Ubuntu 22.04, the package qt5-default is neither recognized by the system nor necessary, so it is recommended to remove it from the package list to install

Fedora 25 and higher

sudo dnf install gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran make cmake git \
                 boost-devel gdal-devel geos-devel \
                 qt5-qttools-devel qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel qt5-qtwebkit-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel \
                 p7zip gnuplot graphviz doxygen rpm-build redhat-lsb

Configure the build

  • create a build directory in your source directory ( e.g. _build)
  • go into this directory
  • run the cmake command, for development or release build

Example for development build

mkdir _build
cd _build
cmake ..

Example for release build

mkdir _build
cd _build

The following options are available to control the build process

  • -DOFBUILD_ENABLE_SANITIZER : Enable the compiler sanitizer to track memory address errors (default value : OFF)
  • -DOFBUILD_ENABLE_TESTING : Enable the build of tests (ON in Debug mode, OFF in Release mode)
  • -DOFBUILD_ENABLE_HEAVYTESTING : Enable the build of tests (default value : OFF)


  • Run "make" from your build directory


  • Run "ctest" from your build directory (available in development build only)

Packaging and installation

  • Run "cpack" from your build directory (available in release build only)

Creating source packages

  • Run "make package_source" from your build directory
 make package_source
  • Run "make install" from your build directory
sudo make install

Full example : Building release package from develop branch

This example shows how to get the current sources from the OpenFLUID git repository, and create a package for installation.
The previously mentioned prerequisites should be satisfied.

git clone
cd openfluid
mkdir _build
cd _build

Building on MacOS


These instructions are for OpenFLUID 2.1.5+.



  • Install the latest version of XCode with command line tools.


  • Open a Terminal and install brew package manager if not already installed (
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Update brew to be sure to have the latest version installed
brew update
  • Install dependencies packages using brew
brew install cmake qt5 boost geos gdal rapidjson doxygen p7zip gnuplot

Configure the build

  1. Open a Terminal, and go into the OpenFLUID sources directory
  2. Add the Qt bin path to the PATH environment variable
  3. Create a build directory in your source directory ( e.g. "_build")
  4. Go into this directory
  5. Run the cmake command, for development or release build
export PATH=$PATH:$(brew --prefix qt5)/bin

Example for release build

mkdir _build
cd _build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix qt5)/lib/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local

Example for development build

mkdir _build
cd _build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix qt5)/lib/cmake


Run the make command from the _build directory



After having built OpenFLUID in release mode, run the following command from the build directory

cmake -P ofpack-osx-brewcask.cmake

Building on Windows


These instructions are for OpenFLUID 2.1.0 and later versions.




  • Download the CMake installer version 2.8.12 or higher, and install CMake


  • Download the Qt installer for Windows with MinGW, version 5.4 or higher
  • Install Qt


  • Download the Doxygen installer, and install Doxygen

Support libraries

OpenFLUID requires Boost, GEOS, GDAL, RapidJSON to be built. In order to install those development libraries, you can use the provided installer (recommended) or build the libraries by yourself.

The hard way: build the libraries by yourself


** MSYS **

  • Download the MSYS installer (version 1.0.11 is recommended)
  • Run MSYS installation. During the installation, change the MinGW path to the Qt MINGW path (e.g. c:/Qt/Tools/mingw48_32).

** Boost **

  • Download the Boost sources package version 1.54 or higher, and uncompress it in a folder of your choice (different from C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport, e.g. C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport-sources\Boost).
  • Copy the the content of the source include directory (e.g. C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport-sources\Boost\include) into the install include directory (e.g. C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport\include)

For an OpenFLUID Debug build only

  • Create a _build folder in the boost sources folder (e.g. C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport-sources\Boost\_build)
  • Open the Qt MinGW console, go to the boost sources folder, and run the following command
 bootstrap gcc  
 b2 install --build-dir=_build --toolset=gcc --prefix="C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport" \
   variant=release threading=multi link=shared --with-test


  • Download GEOS source archive (3.3.8 or later recommended), and uncompress it in a folder of your choice (different from C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport, e.g. C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport-sources\GEOS)
  • Build GEOS through MSYS using the following instructions
 ./configure --prefix=/c/OpenFLUID-buildsupport --build=mingw32 \
   --enable-static=no --enable-shared=yes --disable-inline
 make install
  • Create a file called geos-config.cmake in C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport\share, and put the following contents in it (adapt to the GEOS version you are installing) SET(GEOS_VERSION "3.3.8")

This will build and install GEOS libraries and tools in C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport


  • Download GDAL source archive, and uncompress it in a folder of your choice (different from C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport, e.g. C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport-sources\GDAL)
  • Read instructions from GDAL wiki for building with MinGW. The GNUMakefile modifications must be performed as recommended
  • Build GDAL through MSYS using the following instructions
 ./configure --prefix=/c/OpenFLUID-buildsupport --build=mingw32 \
   --without-python --without-libtool \
   --with-libz=internal --with-libtiff=internal \
 make install

This will build and install GDAL libraries and tools in C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport

Configure the build

  • Create a build directory in the OpenFLUID source directory ( e.g. "_build-devel" or "_build-release")
  • From the Qt console, go into this directory
  • From the Qt console, set the SUPPORT_DIR environment variables, then run the cmake command, for development or release build, with the MinGW generator

Development build

mkdir _build-devel
cd _build-devel
set SUPPORT_DIR=C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport

Release build

mkdir _build-release
cd _build-release
set SUPPORT_DIR=C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\OpenFLUID-buildsupport \

The cmake command must be run every time a CMakeLists.txt file is modified, or a source file is added or removed.


  • From the command prompt, run "mingw32-make" in the build directory


  1. From the command prompt, add the _build-devel/dist/bin folder to the PATH environment variable
  2. From the command prompt, run "ctest" in the build directory


  • From the command prompt, run "cpack" from the build directory
 cpack -G "NSIS"