OpenFLUID Versions

The following instructions are for OpenFLUID versions 2.0.x and later.
As older versions are deprecated, we do not provide online instructions for these older versions. However, you can contact us


For installation notes about the ROpenFLUID package for R, please report to the R OpenFLUID dedicated page


OpenFLUID 2.1.5+

Since OpenFLUID 2.1.5, OpenFLUID for Linux systems also relies on Qt5

Ubuntu 16.04 and higher, Debian 8 and higher

1) Install required libraries and development tools :

sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ cmake git debhelper pkg-config doxygen \
                     libboost-all-dev libgdal-dev libgeos++-dev \
                     qt5-default qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev-tools libqt5svg5-dev \
                     gnuplot p7zip-full graphviz


Since Ubuntu 22.04, the package qt5-default is neither recognized by the system nor necessary, so it is recommended to remove it from the package list to install

2) Download the OpenFLUID package corresponding to the Ubuntu version you are using and install it

sudo dpkg -i </path/to/openfluid/debfile>
# where </path/to/openfluid/debfile> is the path to the downloaded deb file for OpenFLUID.

3) Check the installation by typing the following command in a terminal

openfluid --version

Linux Fedora 25 and higher

1) Install required libraries and development tools :

sudo dnf install -y gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran make cmake git \
                    boost-devel gdal-devel geos-devel \
                    qt5-qttools-devel qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel qt5-qtwebkit-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel \
                    p7zip gnuplot graphviz doxygen rpm-build redhat-lsb
# use dnf instead of yum on recent Fedora versions

2) Download the OpenFLUID package corresponding to the Fedora version you are using and install it

sudo rpm -i </path/to/openfluid/rpmfile>
# where </path/to/openfluid/rpmfile> is the path to the downloaded rpm file for OpenFLUID.

3) Check the installation by typing the following command in a terminal

openfluid --version

OpenFLUID 2.1.0 - 2.1.4

Ubuntu 14.04→16.04 and Debian Jessie

1) Install required libraries and development tools :

sudo apt-get install g++ cmake debhelper pkg-config doxygen \
                     libboost-all-dev libqt4-dev libgdal1-dev libgeos++-dev \
                     gnuplot p7zip-full graphviz

2) Download the OpenFLUID package corresponding to the Ubuntu version you are using and install it

sudo dpkg -i </path/to/openfluid/debfile>
# where </path/to/openfluid/debfile> is the path to the downloaded deb file for OpenFLUID.

3) Check the installation by typing the following command in a terminal

openfluid --version

Linux Fedora 21+

1) Install required libraries and development tools :

sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran make cmake git \
                    boost-devel qt-devel gdal-devel geos-devel \
                    p7zip gnuplot graphviz doxygen rpm-build redhat-lsb
# use dnf instead of yum on recent Fedora versions

2) Download the OpenFLUID package corresponding to the Fedora version you are using and install it

sudo rpm -i </path/to/openfluid/rpmfile>
# where </path/to/openfluid/rpmfile> is the path to the downloaded rpm file for OpenFLUID.

3) Check the installation by typing the following command in a terminal

openfluid --version

OpenFLUID 2.0.x


Preliminary configuration step on Ubuntu 12.04 only, for more recent versions of CMake, GDAL and GEOS libraries

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:czchen/travis-ci
sudo apt-get update

1) Install required libraries and development tools :

sudo apt-get install g++ cmake debhelper pkg-config doxygen \
                     libboost-all-dev libqt4-dev libgdal1-dev libgeos++-dev \
                     gnuplot p7zip-full graphviz

2) Download the OpenFLUID package corresponding to the Ubuntu version you are using and install it

sudo dpkg -i </path/to/openfluid/debfile>
# where </path/to/openfluid/debfile> is the path to the downloaded deb file for OpenFLUID.

3) Check the installation by typing the following command in a terminal

openfluid --version


OpenFLUID 2.1.5+


Since OpenFLUID 2.1.5, the macOS installation relies on the Brew packaging tool.
It is still an unstable packaging, and is available only for macOS 10.14 Mojave and 10.15 Catalina

Install Brew (Task to perform only once, see also

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Add OpenFLUID tap for Brew (Task to perform only once)

brew tap OpenFLUID/openfluid

Install OpenFLUID using Brew (with --no-quarantine option to avoid Gatekeeper restrictions in recent MacOS versions)

brew cask install --no-quarantine openfluid

OpenFLUID 2.1.3 - 2.1.4


The OSX installer is only available for OpenFLUID 2.1.3 and later versions.
It is still an early preview release, and has only been tested on macOS 10.11

1) Download the OpenFLUID .dmg file and mount it in the Finder.

2) Read installation instructions. Notice brew dependencies.

3) Install the OpenFLUID package

4) If you plan to develop your own simulators, you have to install Xcode and Xcode Command line Tools


1) Download OpenFLUID for Windows and install it using the automatic installer. This installer includes the required libraries and sets the required environment variables for OpenFLUID.

2) Check the installation by typing the following command in a command prompt

 openfluid --version

3) If you plan to use advanced OpenFLUID observers or develop your own simulators, observers or builder-extensions: you are really encouraged to download and install these additional support tools for Windows, available from the OpenFLUID downloads page.

For older versions or custom install

Instead of the OpenFLUID-support installer, you may want to install dependencies by yourself (this part is not up to date anymore in 2024)

  • Install the Qt 5.9.6 package for Windows. During the installation process, select MinGW 5.3 32bits in Qt > Qt5.9.6 and Qt > Tools sections
  • Install the CMake tool for Windows
  • Open the OpenFLUID-DevStudio application, go to the Edit > Preferences... menu. In the preferences dialog, go to the Development tools section and run the Qt detection process by using the Detect Qt development tools (MinGW) button.


OpenFLUID can be used through containerization (Operating-system-level virtualization), using Docker or Singularity software.


Docker images and usage instructions are available on Docker Hub :

To use these images, the Docker container platform is required. Installation intructions are available at


Singularity images uses Docker images hosted on Docker Hub. To build a Singularity image based on the latest OpenFLUID version, run the following command (with sudo if needed)

singularity build <imgfile> docker://openfluid/openfluid

(Replace <imgfile> by the filename of the image to build, e.g. openfluid.img)

To build a Singularity image based on a specific OpenFLUID version, run the following command (with sudo if needed)

singularity build <imgfile> docker://openfluid/openfluid:<tag>

(Replace <tag> by the specific OpenFLUID version tag for the image to build, e.g. 2.1.9. Available tags are listed on

Once the image is created, use the singularity shell command or execute the image from the command line

singularity shell <imgfile>



Installation instructions for Singularity are available at