Before committing

  • The code must be entirely compiled and built without error
  • The code should pass all tests successfully
  • Strings to translate must be marked for translation (i.e. tr("string to translate"))
  • All "development things" must be removed, such as std::cout or std::cerr for debugging, temporary comments, temporary TODOs, etc...

Commit contents

  • A commit should be as atomic as possible: 1 task/1 bug fix = 1 commit
  • A commit must always contain a message explaining the reason and/or the content of the commit

Commit messages

A commit message should be made of 3 parts:

  • A summary title
  • A list of things done in this commit, each item must start with the * character
  • If exists, a reference to the issue to which the commit is linked to, writent inside brackets. It is made of the id of the issue, prefixed by the OpenFLUID/openfluid repository reference and a # character. It is introduced by the references word if the commit is a contribution to solve the issue, or by the closes word if the commit closes the issue.
    The issue tracking system is available on GitHub in the OpenFLUID/openfluid repository. This tracking system holds issues tickets for all OpenFLUID repositories (main OpenFLUID framework and applications, ROpenFLUID, PyOpenFLUID, ...).

The 3 parts are separated by a blank line.

Examples of commit messages:

Creation of the About dialog

* Added About dialog window
* Cleaned code

(references OpenFLUID/openfluid#21)
Fix of duplicates IDs for datastore items

* Added checking of IDs when instanciating datastore

(closes OpenFLUID/openfluid#23)